A review by burtyjr12
According to Yes by Dawn French


I actually enjoyed this book a lot I think it was fun and enjoyable and an easy read, however it did leave me feeling a little uncomfortable at some points. Reading through reviews on here ( to make sure that I was not alone with this feeling of discomfort- which I wasn't ) I found a lot of comments sympathising with the antagonist, and at the time - half way through the book - I didn't really understand it, now that I've finished i totally get where they were coming from.
So the book starts of lovely and comical with a clear "villain" and a clear "heroin" which added to the lighthearted feel of it and whereas in most case I'd find this approach immature, I actually did not mind it. And then Rosie goes and sleeps with Thomas, which left me with conflicting opinions because one hand he's standing up to his controlling, manipulative missus, however he cheated on her and cheating is still wrong. Plus the fact that Thomas is literally like twice Rosie's age and his wife is Rosie's employer. Okay so Glenn may not have been the most endearing person but does that mean she deserves to be cheated on by her husband with a human who she employed, gave a home to and trusted with her grandchildren. Which leads on to the second point. Her "relationship" with teddy. This is what really bothered me. Fair play she was not employed to babysit teddy, and yes he was legally an adult, however I feel that she is a very confident 40 something year old woman and he is merely a very shy, nervous 18 year old boy. Both were drunk, she was supposed to be almost a parental figure to him and he was very vulnerable. To me the whole thing was just very inappropriate and left a bad taste in my mouth. Teddy was also portrayed as very immature and was led on by Rosie which was very unfair.
And then there was the whole situation with Kemble being very appropriate, although she did not refuse she was not in a position to consent to begin with plus earlier that evening he sexually harassed her. But suddenly that was completely fine because he's gay? So in short all three of these sexual relations were wrong for one reason or another. And then Rosie finds out she's pregnant and the baby could belong to any one of them.
Both Thomas and teddy offer to stand up and act as fathers, Kemble on the other hand slut shames the woman he practically raped and says he wants nothing to do with the baby. And teddy is told he doesn't need to worry he just go off to college, so although he was taken advantage of he still had a part to play in it and didn't even have to face the consequences, he was just immediately relieved from any "father duties". But after all this Glenn is still regarded as the bad guy, and Rosie is just completely let off the hook and is allowed to continue living in their house????