A review by witchofthemountains
Blue Is for Nightmares, by Laurie Faria Stolarz


I first picked this series up when I was 15, and still fairly new to the Pagan community (though not the community of readers).

I find the characters sympathetic, believable, and memorable. The dialogue and actions are all reasonably realistic, and this is very important for the simple reason than the catalyst for action in the series is magic.

Stolarz mixes fairly realistic Pagan beliefs with the idea of, what I call, "Hollywood Magic". This blending lends an entertaining facet to what boils down to fiction books about the Pagan faith. I would strongly recommend them for anyone who is Pagan, but especially younger Pagans. The fifth star, however, is reserved because I feel there is too much Hollywood Magic and things are resolved too easily because of it. I could go into the "give and take" nature of energy use, but I don't. Suffice it to say that I could have used a bit more realism.