A review by joliendelandsheer
Worth the Fight by Vi Keeland


Originally at The Fictional Reader

I’m always on the hunt for my next favorite new adult book as it is one of my favorite genres -next to fantasy and young adult. The premise of this one intrigued me, not only because it sounds like a solid new adult book, I’ve also always been interested in fighters. I don’t really know why. And while I definitely enjoyed reading this book, there was just something missing for me.

The main male character, Nico, sounds amazing to me. From the discipline of training 6 hours a day, 6 days a week to the cover model and his description in the book. I loved it. And the same goes for Elle. She is a smart woman who has seen terrible things happen in her life and is now looking for an average life. Nothing exciting, just average. I really enjoyed the chemistry between the two main characters! There were definitely some, let’s call them steamy, scenes -I wouldn’t recommend this book to young readers- and their banter was great as well.

What they lacked for me, was depth. They have both been through traumatizing events in their past yet I feel as if that didn’t really show enough in their character. Well it did in Nico, but Elle? Her past was so traumatizing, but apart from being upset after a fight between her and Nico it doesn’t really show in her character, which to me is a bit unrealistic. I think this was the biggest part that was lacking for me, since it’s also sort of missing in their relationship. I understand that with some people, you just have an instant connection -kind of like you’ve known the other person for much longer than you actually have. But they trusted each other with their secrets -really dark secrets- quite quickly. I think that personally, if I’d been through what they have, I wouldn’t trust anyone just like that.

I definitely enjoyed reading this book, it is a good story. The dialogue is witty and funny, the main characters don’t seem to be annoyingly stubborn -which happens a lot in romance books- and it’s very addicting. I stayed up to finish this one. I just think that the lack of something more in their characters and relationship is what made this a good one, but not one of the best I’ve read.

I would definitely recommend this one, if you like new adult. If you’re a fan of the genre, or even just of romance, I think that you would enjoy it! But like I’ve said before, I wouldn’t recommend this book to young readers, it has some graphic content -as usual with new adult books.