A review by amartinios
Harnessing Fire: A Devotional Anthology in Honor of Hephaestus by Rebecca Buchanan, Bibliotheca Alexandrina


Another great devotional anthology published by Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Once again, I learned some new things and gained new insights into Hephaistos. In particular, I liked the insight that, having suffered as He did (rejected by his mother, cast of Olympos, raised by foster-mothers, exacted revenge and regained His place on Olympos, got married, got cuckolded by His wife, etc.) as well as Him being a God of toil and hard work, that He has a greater understanding of Humans and their struggles. More so than most other Gods. Not because He was once mortal or is closely related to them, but simply because of His own struggles, to overcome His fall from Olympos, to overcome His disabilities, to toil away to learn the art of smithing and working with fire and metals, to overcome the further hurt of rejection by Aphrodite, all this would give Him greater understanding of the struggles of us mortals and thus be able to sympathise more closely.

So, in short, I recommend this book to all worshippers of the Hellenic Gods (and Roman if one holds to the idea of Him and Vulcanus being the same, though I do not personally think so).