A review by dawn_marie
In His Majesty's Service by Naomi Novik


In His Majesty’s Service includes the first three novels of the Temeraire series following the adventures of British Naval Officer Captain Will Laurence during the Napoleonic Era. The battles are loosely based on real battles and the world is historically accurate with one exception; there are dragons in the world created by Naomi Novik . In the first novel, His Majesty’s Dragon, Captin Laurence discovers a dragon egg on a French warship he captured in a recent battle and goes on to detail the developing bond between Laurence and the dragon Temeraire. The second and third novels, Throne of Jade and Black Power War, continue Temeraire and Laurence’s adventures as they make their way to China and back. The strength and enjoyment of the novels comes from Novik’s attention to detail and careful world building; Temeraire and Laurence are well developed and continually changing characters while the supporting characters are a bit flat, they are enjoyable enough and contribute to plot development.