A review by litwrite
Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn


Such a sad, well-written, heartbreaker of a novel. Not long, but I would say the perfect length. Werewolf as metaphor for puberty and growing up is not really new - it was handled exceedingly well in the excellent Canadian film Gingersnaps, but I also like the way it was handled here with the sinister undertones and the big reveal at the end. Kuehn works with the imagery very effectively and creates a dreamlike atmosphere that really succeeded for me.

I think this would be a great low budget indie flick, someone could handle this really well as to me it really had the air of let's say, Jeffrey Eugenides' [b:The Virgin Suicides|10956|The Virgin Suicides|Jeffrey Eugenides|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1319032910s/10956.jpg|812415], though obviously from a completely different POV.