A review by 8797999
Anno Dracula by Kim Newman


I have to say I didn't know what to expect with this and in truth I can't remember why I bought it. I think it is a case of judging a book by its cover. I'm not one for vampires and that sort of stuff but this was a top quality read.

Lighter on the gore and blood than I was expecting but thoroughly enjoyable and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series. This gist of this is a London with Vlad the Impaler as Prince Regent to Queen Victoria and vampirism on the rise with the population becoming wurned from 'warms' to 'newborns'. In the background of the warm/vampire struggle is Jack the Ripper and his murders.

A fanatstic plot and flows very well, a nice melting pot of fiction and reality with real characters like Queen victoria, Inspector Abberline, Vlad the Implaer, Oscar Wilde and of course Jack The Ripper mashed in with fictional characters like Inspector Lestrade, Sherlock Holmes, Dr Jekyll and the charcaters for this book Charles Beauregard and Genevieve Duieudonné.

I'm glad I took a chance on it, it was great fun.