A review by shaybrawner
Epically Earnest by Molly Horan

funny lighthearted medium-paced


I received an Arc from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was really surprised by how much i liked Epically Earnest! I've been in such a bad reading slump lately that nothing seems to make me want to read, but I devoured this in a single sitting!

I loved how quirky it was, and that made it rather fun to read for me. But also I love a good LGBT Rom-Com, that is mostly lighthearted. With only a few moments of less lightheartedness when the MC deals with the effects of harassment and the abandonment of the her when she was a baby.

I'm not gonna deny that the whole book I felt like I was waiting for something bad or sad to happen and it didn't, though that isn't a bad thing. This book didn't need it and I think that might be why I liked it so much.

Keeping this review pretty short I really liked this and would definitely be interested in reading more by Molly Horan.