A review by jfbfsf
The Pieces We Keep by Kristina McMorris


2.5 stars, but I can't bring myself to round up.
The story is interesting. The writing is... ok. The dialogue/relationship sections are terrible. There are two story lines - one in present day, and one in the 1940s. The older one was total romance novel - I know there was a story there, it wasn't just about heaving chests and starry eyes... but it was mostly about that. I couldn't stop rolling my eyes. I think I even highlighted some of the more egregious dialogue, but I've returned the book to the library, so I can't check.
The modern story seemed far fetched... but less terrible eye rolling romance.
I was pulled in by the stories, and definitely wanted to see how the two stories tied into each other, and how it would all resolve.
I read it (and actually read for like 4 straight hours on a plane) but mostly because I wanted to see how it all wrapped up and be done with it.