A review by staceylynn42
A Conquest Impossible to Resist by Stephanie Laurens


I liked it mostly. Prudence & Deaglan were a decent couple. Though really, he lacked the 'notorious rakehell' vibe.
His brother writes the Cynsters, in his name, suggesting a breeding alliance. Prudence, who has been looking for new stock jumps at the chance. After some discussion, during which I am sure her mom & aunt forsaw the outcome of the trip, she goes off to Ireland to look at the Glengarah stables.
Side note: I understand the wish fulfillment,not wanting to get too depressing thing. But it's Ireland, right after the famine and somehow the Glengarah estates magically escaped it's effects. I think adding some realism here might have added to the drama and general sense of how Deaglan was working to bring back the estate from ruin
The romance was okay. The titled Aunt (who's name I forget) was annoying. A grande dame was not really needed here & I do hate the "I'll change her mind without asking her to" plot where nearly everyone is in on what is going on but the heroine. Pru isn't stupid, a discussion could have happened.
The mystery was decent. There is a fire in the stables & someone tries to kill Deaglan a couple times, or at least scare him. Lots of horse info. Maybe too much horse info.
My first impression of it was 'meh, okay'. I reread it a month or so later (I do that with books by authors I love when I don't love the book to see if my opinion has changed) and while I feel more than 'meh' about it now, it's unlikely I will reread it again, like I do with some of my favorites.
It's an okay book, solid 3.5 stars.