A review by ms3194
The Shining by Stephen King


This is the first Stephen King book I've read and I started it with a lot of expectations. After all, King is described as the master of the horror genre.
But the book turned out to be disappointing to say the least. I wasn't even the least bit scared and I'm one of those people who scare easily. Wendy was the only one in the Torrance family I liked.
Plus King's writing really annoyed me, especially those random thoughts of the characters given in brackets. I also found the first half of the book to be really boring and had to struggle to get to the last part which was alright.
On the good side, as I already mentioned, is strength of Wendy's character. In my opinion, she's the real hero of the story. Some parts were truly fascinating but I found myself wishing it to be shorter. This was not because I don't like reading big books but because this book would be far more interesting and scarier if it was shorter.
Now, I'm going to see the movie as soon as I can as it is supposed to be better.