A review by mschlat
My Time Among the Whites: Notes from an Unfinished Education by Jennine Capó Crucet


A number of essays about life as a first-generation Cuban American, set mostly in Miami (where the author and her family can see Cubans as a powerful force) and Lincoln, Nebraska (where the label of Cuban disappears under the Latinx label). I liked a lot of the discussion of college life (with one essay about Crucet's college experience and another about her life as an academic), and found her discussion of white weddings fascinating (she had an apartment in Lincoln adjacent to a space regularly rented for weddings and she eventually started crashing them). But I found the work as a whole breezier than I expected. Crucet addresses the issues of racism and inequity that I expected -sometimes quite straightforwardly - but nothing coalesced for me out of that discussion.