A review by ashleylm
Blotto, Twinks and the Rodents of the Riviera by Simon Brett


A bit repetitive at times, and I wish (this isn't quite fair, since it's the author's perogative) Blotto and Twinks were more Poirot and less Bond, James Bond. But Blotto's still gorgeous and dumb, and Twinks is still gorgeous and smart, and they certainly try their best and are easy to root for. I think I found the supporting cast less engaging this time, except for a fun (but short) sequence with a barely-closeted gay man in the Cote d'Azur; all the Dimpsy? (already forgotten her name) stuff with her painters and writers got dull very quickly.

(5* = amazing, terrific book, one of my all-time favourites, 4* = very good book, 3* = good book, but nothing to particularly rave about, 2* = disappointing book, and 1* = awful, just awful. As a statistician I know most books are 3s, but I am biased in my selection and end up mostly with 4s, thank goodness.)