A review by chronicreader96
How the Dead Live by Will Self


Rounded down from 3.5 ⭐️

A family member let me borrow this book, it’s the first novel I have read by Will Self. It follows Lily bloom as she deals with end-stage cancer, and dies. It then continues to follow her through death beyond.

The first section of the novel wasn’t enjoyable for me. I find Self’s writing style a little tricky to get on with. There’s no doubt that he’s a very intelligent man, but the long intellectual ramblings often left me feeling lost. I also really really did not like Lily bloom (in fact I don’t know if I’ve ever disliked a character quite so much). To start with I wasn’t certain I’d be able to finish, but I’m glad I persevered.

I really enjoyed the concepts that Self came up with for the afterlife. When it got to this part of the book I struggled to put it down! It was so original and captivating, I just wanted to consume it all! I particularly loved the Christmas 2001 sections once I realised what they were about.

Unfortunately, I feel the book lost a little of its mojo towards the end. But I will always remember it for its unique ideas. It’s unlike anything I’ve read before!