A review by louandlife
Teen Idol by Meg Cabot


This book had a lot of potential... but it lacked execution, and plot. I was really excited to read this book when I read the premise, but it turned out to be different that I thought it would be. I think that if you're going to read this book, it's better to go in blind, than to read the blurb.

So Jen is the nice girl that everyone likes. She's also the agony aunt for her high school's paper. She gets a call to go to the principal's office, to find out that a Teenage Hollywood movie star is coming to their high school for two weeks, and it's Jen's job to be his guide, and keep his identity hidden.

Spoiler I really wanted Jen and Luke to get together. I thought that this book would have that sort of romance. A famous actor with a simple high school girl. But it wasn't, and I am kind of mad.

I think that the plot of this book was badly thought out. I don't think a lot of what would happen in this book, actually would. I know as a reader, you are supposed to have a suspension of disbelief, but the characters didn't seem real. I liked Jen, but every character suffered from a case of underdevelopment. I know that this is like a children's book, but that doesn't mean that the characters can't have some level of depth. That is my main problem with Meg Cabot's books, and I accept that, but that doesn't justify how annoying the plot was. I don't like revelations happening one the last pages, and things occurred with no set up.

I am disappointed with this book. It was an average read. It could have been better, and that's what annoys me. I would recommend this book to young teenagers.