A review by sweetdreams_sunshine
The Calling by Kelley Armstrong


I was up until 2/2:30 last night finishing this. Whoops? To say I'm obsessed with this series right now is probably an understatement.

One thing I really love about Armstrong is the development of her characters. She is very good at writing both "good" and "bad" characters. You are able to identify with the characters who are not necessarily good people to a point and as well, you can get irritated with the main characters when they make mistakes. I also really enjoy how diverse her characters are. They really are all their own individual identity.

On to gush about this book:
SpoilerI am really glad that Armstrong chose to start the book right after where The Gathering left off. I was a bit fearful that she would not. I think it was interesting how she handled a lot of developments that happened in this book. I honestly did not suspect any of the twists that came about to happen.

Like the fact that Nicole was the one who likely killed Serena? And attempted to kill Maya twice. I would have never guessed that. Plus the whole Rafe situation where the St. Clouds were using him as bait. I knew he wasn't dead, because there was no way Armstrong was going to kill Maya's love interest off in the second book. BUT I did not expect that twist. I did not expect Maya's biological father to be working for the Nasts either.

I really loved all the character development we got in this book. From the more minor characters like Hayley up to Maya. I also enjoyed learning more about Sam (and her past) and Corey as I feel like they were the two characters I was neutral about by the end of The Gathering.

My favorite two parts of this book, and this series really are Maya's relationships with both Rafe and Daniel, both individually and how they interconnect. I absolutely love the fact that Armstrong chose to not do the typical love triangle with this book, for one. The other thing I love love how complex Maya & Rafe's relationship is. I really enjoy the fact that while they want to be together and enjoy spending time together, it is not the most important priority for them right now. Rafe has Annie to protect and think about while Maya has her friends & their safety (and her own) and her mission to find her parents as her top priorities. As for her relationship with Daniel, again I love how Armstrong managed to have a strong platonic friendship between a straight male and straight female, something you so rarely see in novels in general. I love how for each other, they really are number one. And yet, they have/had secrets from each other, yet when those secrets are revealed they are as supportive and understanding as possible.

I am really interested to see how Maya, Daniel & Corey's journey goes and what happens and when they meet Chloe & co. Overall I'm just anxious to get my hands on The Rising to continue the journey in this trilogy.