A review by sulimann
As the Ash Fell by A.J. Powers


The writing (at least for the first part of the book) was okay. Unfortunately, the ideas the writer was trying to put forth were absurd at best .i.e. The protagonist's sister chooses to care for the children rather than protect them, leaving a child of 13 take responsibility for that (and dying in the process might I add), or the part where the lead character kills people freely except the people he monologued about not killing (because it somehow breaks his moral code!?). The story is full of such instances giving the impression that either the writer feels that women are useless outside the "kitchen" or he doesn't really know any women.
The worst part is when he tries to describes a rape victim feels and completely botching it. Making it all about the man trying to comfort her and at the same time making it seem as if she should feel guilty about what has happened. I presume the writer might have wanted to reflect the way rape victims are blamed by some people, but that's not how it came off.
In short, this story is about a conservative protagonist with a saviour comlex who's actions are definitely not in line with his beliefs. Also the writer forgot to add any flaws to "our hero" so he is completely unrelateable and the story feels like a power fantasy.

Started okay ended in as dumpster fire !