A review by papercaper
A Modest Independence by Mimi Matthews


I think Tom Finchley might be a contender for top book boyfriend because OMFG he just waxes on and on TO Jenny about his feelings for her. Like, zero of the emotional constipation MMCs usually have. And he's just so damned capable too, he tries to anticipate anything Jenny could possibly need and takes care of it. There was also some prime sickbed caretaking that had me squealing in delight. He's really fucking swoon worthy.

Jenny is also rather frank with how she feels for Tom and it's just so refreshing, usually all the pining is just internal but here they express it to each other a lot. Though they still hold tight to their insecurities and continually try and deny themselves each other. It's so deliciously angsty but we still get tender moments where they just can't hold back. When they had their first kiss I damn near melted; MM is such a master of writing moments like that, I don't even miss more explicit scenes.