A review by clovetra
All of This Is True by Lygia Day Peñaflor


this was um...... a book for sure!
i would like to note i gobbled this up simply because the format is so quick to read. most pages have like. 50 words max on them.
now, onto what i thought made this book.... abysmal.
first off - the plot twist. i could see it coming from what, 50 pages away? oh how easy it was to guess
too. this is marketed as a mystery novel, but ngl its not really? idk what it is, i'd say probably more contemporary/drama. but there was no mystery here.
three. all the characters are insufferable. miri is a brown-noser, penny is whiny, fatima is egotistical, soleil is boring & jonah is.... well. i probably feel like that was the author's intention but my god. when you have no redeemable characters in your novel it gets tiring.
four - this reads like a cheesy Y/A novel. like why do all characters sound like the same person? they all speak the same. im not kidding you when i say i got deja vu to my mystery piece i had to write in year 8 for school. like that's how mid this was. the inflections, the tone, the language. everything the characters speak with is so similar. and yes i know its because they're all mimicking fatima but its soooooo boring as a reader.
finally, what the fuck was that book within a book. its a neat idea but my god is it hard to equate brady = jonah, sunny = soleil. like obviously i knew that they were the same characters, but because the "book within a book" was in third person and the book itself is in first person i felt like i was having a stroke.
even though i just dunked on this book lowkey i did enjoy it tho. would i ever re-read? maybe if i was drunk. sober? god no. did i have a grand old time reading this? eeehhh debatable. i did however demolish this novel, so ive gotta give some props to the author. ive never seen a book executed this way, with so many different mediums and i lowkey loved it so much. its just the execution was a miss for me.