A review by talonvictoria
I'm Happy and Other Lies I Tell Myself by Trish Anderson


”To be clear, I'm not asking you for anything, Joe. But when you force your way into my story line, I can't help but try to figure out where you belong in my whole plot."

This story is not one that I am usually drawn to. I was impressed with how much I ended up loving this story and the simplicity of this plot and the characters.

I'm Happy and Other Lies I Tell Myself was just a REAL story. Real people, real emotions, and every day REAL things. Nothing was over-exaggerated, nothing was dramatic and drawn out. It was just real. And I cannot express how much I truly appreciated that. Normal people who fell in love and fought the fight that we have all fought at one point in our lives. And to me it just wasn't like anything out there and I was just really satisfied and happy about all of that. Phew.

The banter in this book was golden not only between the two main characters but ALL of the characters. I love when an author can create such fun secondary characters. In my opinion they help make a great story even GREATER!

I'm Happy and Other Lies I Tell Myself has something that we can all relate to. It was real and reflective. And don't we all just love when we can take away something from a book that we finish and implement it into our real lives? I know that I do. Trish's writing style and sense of humor really shined in this one. When I finished the book I was 123% ready to devour the rest of her books. I'll see yall on the other side!