A review by beauty_and_the_rose
The Story Peddler by Lindsay A. Franklin


The concept for this book is amazing and so unique, i loved it. The world building was extremely well done and i felt completely immersed in this book. I listened to it on audio and would highly recommend it, the narrator was perfect.

The only downside to this book for me was the "romance triangle" which isn't really a triangle because she clearly doesn't want to be with one of them. Also, I don't see why this needs to be a trilogy. It could have ended with this one book and been a five star read. The only reason i knocked a star off was because it felt like the ending was wrapped up then the author threw in something to make you want to read the next book, but it felt forced.

To be honest i'm not sure i'll be continuing the series, but i certainly did thoroughly enjoy this book!