A review by clauleesi
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas


“What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?”

This is truly one of those rare books that deserve every award it's gotten. Not only because it's well written, or has complex, extremely realistic characters and will keep you hooked to every single word. No, this is a book that opens eyes. Which is why [b:The Hate U Give|32075671|The Hate U Give|Angie Thomas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1476284759l/32075671._SY75_.jpg|49638190] might actually save lives.

Young Starr is a black girl who almost lives a double life - on one hand there is the Starr that she is when at home with her family in the poor, mostly black neighbourhood that she's grown up in, and on the other, there is the Starr that goes to a preppy private school and who never wants to "sound ghetto."

Keeping these two lives and Starrs seperated is hard, but quickly turns impossible when Starr is the sole witness to a police officer murdering her childhood friend Khalil. Soon she is faced with the many horrible truths of what has happened, while Starr also has to decide if she dares to speak up or not. Doing so might give Khalil the justice he deserves, but can also put Starr and everyone she loves in even more danger.

Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, [a: Angie Thomas|15049422|Angie Thomas|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1471998209p2/15049422.jpg] debut is truly remarkable. She doesn't only write like it was something she was born to do, but in addition writes with so much wisdom and intelligence. Here is a woman that knows how to make you stop and listen. Here is a woman who is not afraid to make you stop and listen.

I loved Starrs voice and her journey through not only the chaos that was Khalils murder and the aftermath, but also her struggles of just being a black girl. And the bits with her cute, goofy and imperfect family were especially heartwarming, which I did find myself need occasionally when reading. I totally wish I could hang out with the Carters.

I'm not really sure what more to say. [b: The Hate U Give|32075671|The Hate U Give|Angie Thomas|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1476284759l/32075671._SY75_.jpg|49638190] is gripping, powerful, heart-touching and so, so important. The fact that this book is out there, to be read by people everyday, gives me hope.

Fuck racism. Fuck police brutality. And let's never be quiet when there are those that are suffering.