A review by georginap92
The Beginning by Ray Star


Thank you to the author for a gifted book in exchange for an honest review

Earthlings: The Beginning follows Peridot as she comes to terms with the fact that she has magic and that the world as she knows it is vastly different to the one, she grew up on. The Earthlings is based on a very dystopian England in which chickens and cows are at the top of the food chain and are exacting their revenge on humans for their treatment before “The Changing”

“Every creature that inhabits the Earth is an Earthling”

I found this book to be very fast paced, especially towards the end in which we faced a showdown between The Resistance and those in charge, it was also very engrossing, and it felt like a bit of a shock novel in places. The book is predominately from Peridot’s perspective, until roughly 60% in where other characters begin to have their own chapters and narrative.

There are a large number of characters to keep up with throughout the book, and some of them could have more development, which will hopefully come from the sequel. My favourite characters have to be Phoenix and Fergus, I just love both of their fiercely protective traits, I found that the author did a great job in describing a lot of the animals' personalities. I also found it really sweet how dogs are still considered man's best friend in this dystopian world, some of them are still loyal to a fault. My least favourite character is Val, the way that she treats her daughter is overly protective, and
I feel that she is the reason Peri found herself is so many difficult situations, I hope that Val has a heart to heart with Peri in the next book, and their relationship is developed as a better one.

Earthlings seems like quite a shock novel in places, as it does become quite dark, I am a bit unsure
on the target audience with this book, as even though Peridot is originally 13, it is a lot for such a young character to take it, additionally there are numerous scenarios that humans are described to be in, that come across as very inhumane, yet once you realise these are the same situations animals find themselves, it creates a shocking lightbulb moment in which you question a lot of things within the current world, such as humans being segregated into those who are workers, those who are food
and those who are used for entertainment purposes such as racing and fighting.

The world building in this book is great, and the descriptions really make the world feel alive, I feel
there is an undercurrent of teachings in this book, especially with the author using the dystopian world to draw light to the treatment of animals, as well as to the treatment of anyone different, as the quote “turning a blind eye to it allows it to continue” really resonated with me. I found that the
ending was such an annoying cliff hanger ending that I honestly need the next book as soon as possible, I need to know if certain characters are okay!
