A review by loveana
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata


3.5 stars of oh god I hate slow burn romances

I've been terrified of reading this book for years, YEARS and honestly, I was right to be scared. I wouldn't have even picked it up if I hadn't seen it has a marriage of convenience trope and I am a sucker for those.

This follows Vannessa and Aiden, she is his assistant and he - a famous football player. He is also Canadian and is in need of someone to marry him in order to gain citizenship. (idk how much I believe that a super famous football player cant get citizenship the legal way but sure, that's the least I've had to suspend my disbelief for a while). And who better for him to marry than the assistant who had just quit on his ass to build her own dream. That's pretty much the plot because everything else is just a combination of close proximity and two dumbasses moving the plot along until EVENTUALLY well ya know.

I'll be honest with you, somewhere around the first 35 - 40% I was TERRIFIED that I was going to hate this because the scenes dragged on, the descriptions were very *very* long and she kept giving an interesting scene, jumping to the future and then recounting it which is one of my least favorite things to read.

The characters also didn't even seem to like each other, much less have chemistry for and I'm not kidding, the first 50% of the book.


I take full responsibility for my own lack of patience. So really that part is fully my fault.

That being said I have now real two of Zapatas works, this one and Kulti, and can safely say I liked this a whole of a lot more than Kulti.

Like A LOT more.

I'm scared to read the other reviews before I write mine because I know for a fact that most people I love and respect on here gave this bad boy 5 stars and while I did greatly enjoy it, especially once I called in reinforcements in the form of the audiobook (which was the bomb dot com btw) - I'm still hesitating.

I didn't feel that by creating this super slow development in the relationship between the leads Zapata necessarily created a more well-developed relationship overall. At least not to me.

Okay, I think my nitpicking ass is officially done now.

This was still a really fun book to read and like I said the audiobook was FANTASTIC.