A review by dlhill216
The Resistance United in Love by Selene Chardou, M.C. Cerny, S. Simone Chavous


The words I feel. The words I speak. The words I say every single day. This book gripped me from the very first passage. I almost wanted to cry because this book is me. It put beautifully into words everything I feel and talk to my husband about on a daily basis. It put into words some things that I didn't know how too. My fears and worries for my children and this country I have to raise them in. This book gives me hope because there are people out there who feel like me and have the same fears, worries, hopes and dreams. This book is inspiring and although it's really deep and reaches a place some people want to ignore, it put a smile on my face because it proves that I am not alone in my feelings. I always enjoy reading or hearing anyone's opinion whether I agree with it or not. I feel I learn more that way. I will know more that way. The current political climate has proven how divided our country is and as much as I dislike this, I also feel like I am learning more than I ever have about myself and other people as well. This past year has made me take more time to reflect on myself and take more time to read and learn. Not just run with whatever someone is saying. Knowledge is definitely power. Thank you so much to all of the authors who contributed a piece to amazing piece of work! Thank you for your courage to speak your feelings in a positive way. I wish people would realize that it's all in the way you speak that determines whether others will really "hear" you. No matter what your opinion is.