A review by willowisp79
Claiming the Reaper by C.A. Rene, R.E. Bond


Oh Selene.....How can this be the end!! I haven't read a series like this - definitely one of a kind and has a permanent place on my re-read list!

A vigilantes work is never done, but the Reaper Incarnate is no longer just one kick ass female. There's now 4 psychotic, gorgeous, Deadly, loyal and quick to anger men in love with Selene and with the same target - to kill Mack Delaney - the last big dog in the massive skin trade link theyve been decimating since book one.

You'd think with z heavy topic the read would be heavy - nooooo, no,no,no,no!!

Santos is a complex character but he provides the light relief that makes a big difference in this book! He is the epitome of a big kid. His outlook on killing sprees are the same as how most people would view going to a funfair. He doesn't seem to hold any fear! His attachment to Pepe is disturbing but cute!

As his lover, Darius has the patience of a Saint! These two are extremely hot together-madly in love and with Selene completing their little triad, blissfully happy. Their love of knife and blood play is the tip of the non-vanilla iceberg!

Poor Zander. No wonder he's wiped out - being left as the designated babysitter to Santos for the majority of the book!  But he also gets to blow stuff up so taking the rough with the smooth! And can't forget Daddy Blaze! He's with Selene at the MC compound for the majority of the book, conspiring with Papa and Loqi of who and when to attack and try to find their missing girl.

Santos is featured heavily in this book due to the fact his dad is the MC Clubs president  and he has a brother that he's having trouble getting his head around. But now he finds out he has a sister too, that was stolen and sold into the skin trade when she was 12, 7yrs ago. Its a race against time to find her and we see the flipside of Santos personality - the scary, pissed off big brother that will burn the world down to find her.

Such a great series!! I loved it. From its humble beginnings of a novella in the anthology, Violent Tendancies to this awesome conclusion, you'll love the guys and their psycho ways, and the original reaper assassin vigilante who found her equals, her home and her future!


I received a copy of the ebook in return for an honest review