A review by glowfish36
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon


Disclaimer: To be fair, I think this was just not my type of book and that plenty of other people can and will continue enjoying it.

Moving on, I couldn't even get through this book. I managed to read 35% (ah, the age of the kindle) and then gave up, which is unusual for me. I've only ever given up reading one other book in my life, but as my mum told me when I mentioned how much I disliked this: "Life is too short to spend reading books you don't like", so I dropped it like the hottest potato I've ever held.

The feelings of irritation are still too fresh to write a proper review... so I'll have to just leave a fellow reader's review for more people to see, which I think properly encapsulates my feelings of dislike (plus it's hilariously written!): https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/15619079 .