A review by alexampersand
Dreaming of Gwen Stefani by Evan Mandery


There were parts of this book that I absolutely loved, and parts I felt could have been slightly improved. I love, love, love the fact that it mixes celebrity culture and idol worship in with ruminations on humanity, fate vs. free will, and existential thought. I found the character of Mortimer fascinating, and loved what we saw of him, how his brain works, and the very logical way that his thought processes develop.

That said, I wish the plot had a little more pacing to it, and I wish the end felt a bit more developed. I would like to have seen what effects the ending had on Mortimer. While the final chapter was nice in how it sort of took a birds-eye examination of his character, I wish we knew what we actually felt, and what his next steps were afterwards.

This feels like a super niche book written specifically for me (existentialism combined with Gwen Stefani obsession!!) so it's really no surprise that I enjoyed it for that at least.