A review by swiftie1977
Hotel Magnifique by Emily J. Taylor


This book hooked me from the start, not only from the awesome cover but from the story itself. What person wouldn't dream of something better for themselves and a sibling??
Jani is 17 and wanting something more for her and her younger sister Zosa.
She wants a better life for them, when their mother died she made a promise to always keep Zosa safe.
But as time passed Jani wondered of moving from their village was worth it?
But when Jani see's in the newspaper that Hotel Magnifique is hiring she thinks that's their golden ticket out of here and they can go to elsewhere.
With Zosa's singing Jani thinks she can find a job as well. But when Jani doesn't get hired on, only her sister.
Jani begs and pleads with Bel that she can't be apart from her sister, she made a promise to their mother.
Eventually Bel agrees, but everything is definitely not as it seems in this hotel. Magic isn't what it really is. And soon Jani finds out secrets and what they actually do to the hotel staff. When her sister gets turned into a bird everyday except for when she sings Jani's mission is to save just her. But as more secrets come about, her mission is to not only save her sister but everyone including the handsome Bel. With questions as to why she can always remember everything when staff and guests do not. The more answers she finds, the more questions she has. Questions even about herself that she never knew. Can she save the people she cares about including herself?
Also can we just get another book?