A review by tab2004
Lost in Between by K.L. Kreig


I really enjoy this author's style of writing but I agree with some other reviewers that it was a little too long. At some point I got bored reading all the sex they were having and the same constant push=pull of lack of trust, which I get.

I already got they lusted after each other and sex was amazing- and quite frankly that is my main problem with manwhore books. I keep hearing the sex feels different with them but all I wonder is for how long? If they have never had deep emotional sex before or craved it - why should this feel different for long? Are these type of relationships really going to last long term?

Especially someone like Shaw that has never, ever at 36 been in love. It just reminds me of obsession/lust and obsession/lust is not love. The author writes well so she convinced me he does love her but I always think - what happens in ten years after a couple of kids and the stresses of life? Suddenly threesomes with Noah sound enticing again.

I liked Willow, she was tough, yet not stunted. Yes she ran away a lot, but that doesn't bug me too much in heroines, and Shaw chased after her, which is my own personal preference rather than the other way around. I also like she had a friend questioning her choices as a way to make her think about things more deeply than she usually would. I did hate how she treated Reid and the fact that she never really called Shaw out on his lack of respect for women, no matter what he said. I did like she had good relationships with the other female characters.

The secondary characters were brought to life even if I didn't fully love them. I honestly would rather read a story about Reid finding love than Noah because Noah, like Shaw, is just a user of woman and someone constantly looking for a thrill.
No matter how hard they tried to make him the bad guy, I could feel how deeply Reid loved Willow and I want him to find someone, because I don't doubt his ability to love eternally, the same way I doubt Noah's.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, the writing is great and it is the story of two people falling in love in spite of all their resistance to it.