A review by jammasterjamie
Lord of Emperors by Guy Gavriel Kay


What a beautifully written epic of a story - Speaking on both Sailing to Sarantium and Lord of Emperors at once, I was completely enrapt, and in fact wildly frustrated once I finished Sailing because I couldn't find a copy of Lord of Emperors in any of my local bookstores, taking a whole month until I finally tracked down what I think must have been the last copy in the entire city! But, my hunt was well rewarded as Lord of Emporers doesn't only continue the events of Sailing to Sarantium, but even improves upon them, introducing a few more key characters and plot-twists that inevitably intertwine by the end of it all in a satisfying and wonderful way. Reading my way through the Sarantine Mosaic was taking a fully bloomed rose and plucking away the pettles one at a time to reveal a great ruby heart in its centre. Beautiful. I was only introduced to the books of Guy Gavriel Kay about a year ago, and I consider that to be one of the great crimes of my life - I wish I'd been reading him forever.