A review by texttheater
Confessions of a Pickup Artist Chaser by Clarisse Thorn


"I looked at him: this attractive, white, American, straight, cisgendered man with a great education and an upper-middle-class job. Granted, Jonnie Walker worked hard to get where he is... but really, why _would_ he think life should be fair? I felt a headache coming on." (p. 129)

Great definition: "[PUAs] figure out what makes charming assholes charming, and then they seek to bestow that same charm upon non-assholes." (ibid.)

"A delicious dose of strategic ambiguity can come from doing novel things together. It can come from compartmentalizing extremely intense ambiguities like S&M. It can come from adversarial flirtation that stops when the situation gets serious. It doesn't have to come from uncertainty about the relationship itself." (p. 217)