A review by annareadsmysteries
Swan Song by Edmund Crispin


This novella was sent to me by the universe, as I would not have picked it up otherwise.
So how did I get my hands on it you ask?
In October, I embarked on a cruise and decided to raid the onboard library. This particular library had a swap-a-book section, where you could take a book and leave a book. An old lady walks in with a stack of books and sees me reading a murder mystery. She hands me the title, states 'You might like this' and leaves. So I read the synopsis, I see there are murders in this book and say, sure, let's read it.

Now mind you, it took me a good while to end up reading it, with having an already prepared TBR for December and having started an enormous list of books in November - but I've finally got there and I can't stop raving about it.

READ this novella people - it's super short, very funny and the best murder resolution that I've read in a long while.

Without giving a lot away, we follow a newlywed couple, who work for the theatre and one of their colleagues gets murdered. They call in a professor friend of theirs, who is Crispin's 'Poirot' called Fen. (while never mentioned in this book, I imagined him to be Asian)

But my god, the humour, the wit - where was this author all my life?
Honestly, do yourself a favour and read it. I can't believe I finished this on the 30th of December and it's the best book I've read in 2023.