A review by atarbett
Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey


- Carey takes for-fucking-ever to get to the point. I almost put the book down 3-4 times out of sheer boredom before things picked up about 1/3 of the way through the story.
- Credibility. Look, I get it. She's a really really good whore and masochists. But I find it very hard to swallow that everyone she meets is just falling all over themselves to get at her magic snatch. She's not the only whore and not the only masochist in the book!
- Sex. I feel I was misled. If you're reading it for the sex, you're going to be disappointed. I don't have an issue with the quality of the sex scenes or their kinkiness, but they were far fewer that I was told.
- "Somewhat" =/= "Something." OMFG this got on my last nerve. I think Carey was going for an old-timey feel to the language, but this is not the way to go! Every time she used the word "somewhat" when she clearly meant "something" I wanted to throw the book across the room.
- I cared nothing about any of the characters. They just didn't seem real or relate-able to me. If most cases, they just annoyed me. Joscelin is the worst offender. I abhor whiny characters and he spends half the book going "Oh, no! My vows! I'm worthless now!" None of the deaths moved me in the slightest. My favorite character was probably Hyacinthe, but that was before he got all moody and depressed because he has to stay on an island. He's Master of the Straits, not dead! You want to visit, then just take a boat out a little too far.
- The ending. I hate when things wrap up too easily. But she does leave a tiny little tidbit to show that she has another story up her sleeve.

Well, you are welcome to that story. I don't think I can stomach any more books like this one.