A review by anatomydetective
The Last Witchfinder by James Morrow


I wanted to love this book, and parts of it were wonderful and witty. Unfortunately the plot just dragged on and Morrow's tendency to be verbose just made the novel seem interminable. So far out of the three novels of his I have read, the only one I can recommend is [b:Only Begotten Daughter|184003|Only Begotten Daughter|James K. Morrow|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1386924957s/184003.jpg|1259875]. I recently acquired a copy of [b:Galápagos Regained|22545461|Galápagos Regained|James K. Morrow|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1416448096s/22545461.jpg|42001561] and if I don't enjoy it, I think I might have to give up, no matter how good his books sound.