A review by francesca_rock
Not Always Happenstance by Rachael Anderson


Review Posted: Book Bitch

What a cute idea! A series of books by different authors that have a recurring secondary or tertiary character. A character who is somehow magical I might add! How cool!

Then we get to meet Lani and she's kick ass and tough! Easton is a bit mysterious and his reason for being in Hana is kind of unclear. Just awesome so far - a strong leading lady and a mysterious man. Yep - all the ingredients I enjoy in a story.

And of course they fight it. Well, one of them does anyway. They're all like "no, it would never work" when clearly they were both super into it.

In the end this was a lovely story. All of the characters had integrity and deserved respect. It's so nice when you can have respect for people you're reading about. Yes, they made mistakes, but that just made their decisions in the end that much more powerful and impressive. The ending, after the flight - wow, I just loved that. Putting it all on the line like that. You go, Lani!

Side note - Hana sounds like paradise to me, I'd love to be there. I'm not completely familiar with Hawaii and Maui, but Hana is legitimately a place. And I believe this is a road that gets described and used fairly regularly. Look how pretty it is there! This book has given me a new destination on my travel desire list.

All in all, I dug this story! The story itself was pretty cool - but the characters were what made it spectacular.

Rachael Anderson, you completely nailed it.