A review by sirisolh
The Mountain Shadow by Gregory David Roberts


Without knowing it, I read this book exactly two years after Shantaram and it being exactly the same amount of time passed between the stories, it found it worth mentioning.

Anyway, we're back in Bombay and Lin, Lisa, Didier, Abdullah, Karla, Khaled, the Gemini Georges and the rest is still around. Life happens. Not the average Joe life, but the life of mobster, gangster, smugler, self destructive, drinking, smoking, gambling Joe. And it's portrayed in a way that makes it seem closer to paradise than anything else: life, death, love, philosophy (sometimes a bit to much), laughter, fright, fleeing, hiding, fighting, losing, winning, resting, and being in peace is they keywords when Concannon, an Irish guy is trying to get rid of Lin, when Idriss is the new teacher, when the Company has a new boss with less respect and loads of guards, when Lin leaves the company and Karla returns to his life. We're travelling to the mountains, to Goa, to Sri Lanka, but mostly we stay in Bombay, the beloved city.

"We fight when we should have danced"