A review by lifeinthebooklane
True Nature by Willow Madison


Now I know how my friends felt after reading this. I'm not quite sure just what I want/need to say.

So I've seen rave reviews and scathing reviews and I can see how both have merit, because this deals with a D/s relationship that verges on the abusive. The deciding factor for me was that Lucy chose Max, even knowing what might be instore for her (more on this later). There are a lot of things about Max to dislike, but none of that is due to bad writing or bad characterisation. In fact I'm pretty certain this is a deliberate move by the author and it certainly had me questioning his morals AND my morals at times. You don't have to like Max to enjoy this story, in fact I'm firmly in camp "toss his ass to the kerb" at the moment. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story unfolds and experiencing the journey it takes me on.

I liked Lucy, she was sometimes confused by her reactions, and struggled with her unexpected responses to Max. To quote her directly "My brain said to run, my body said to stay, my heart... my heart was afraid to decide." There were times she felt a little weak BUT that's from my perspective of knowing I could never be that submissive in a relationship. It was what Lucy craved, so if it was OK for her, who am I to judge? Between SSC, RACK and mind-your-own-goddamn-business, no one decides on someone else's relationship.

Max knew exactly what type of relationship he wanted, it verged on a Master/slave one. He pretty much wanted to dictate Lucy's entire life, at times it felt almost to the point of what she thought. And however much my modern, liberated woman brain screams against that, if it is what works for the couple involved it is no-one else's business. We did get an insight into why he feels the way he does, and whilst it doesn't excuse some of his behaviour, it does explain it and allow us to understand his motivations.

What did cause problems for me is that in that particular dynamic the welfare of the sub/slave should be paramount to the Dom/Master. Her needs should be met and her safety, both physical and mental, taken care of. Max was sometimes a thoughtless, selfish, ignorant ass and I severely wanted to kick his behind on more than one occasion. If he wants total control of her he has a responsibility for her welfare, ones that he frequently seems to shirk. For example, despite knowing how overwhelmed Lucy is at meeting his parents for the first time, despite knowing she needs his support, he sends her to help in the kitchen and later on orders her around like his skivvie, despite her not having agreed to a "dynamic" style of relationship at that point. He also ignores her distress "I stand up and Lucy gives me a pleading look." and her pain "I can't... I'm too sore." (for more sex). He is either totally responsible for Lucy or he isn't. But it can't only be when it suits him. It was also that he revelled in her fear. She should fear a punishment but not because of the pain it causes but because of the disturbance to their dynamic. And should Max really enjoy her fear in those situations? Hmmmm........

So getting back to the "might" from earlier. I did feel that at the end this did stray into the area of dubious consent, when Max punished Lucy before he had discussed consequences of actions - particularly when she hadn't been punished for it previously.
SpoilerHe slapped around the face, twice without warning and once after he gave her an option to leave the relationship or accept the slap.
However when given the choice she DID decide to stay. Whether she is staying in a consensual relationship or an abusive one remains to be seen in the next book. I'm buying and reading it right away.