A review by nivedhavelmurugan
The Other Side of Midnight by Sidney Sheldon


Sidney Sheldon has always been my favourite. His books are so fast-paced that I tend to zone out of time. All I do is read, read and read until I finish.
As usual, I had mixed emotion. I didn't like anyone in particular and my hatred list is very big.

1. Noelle Page
At first, I really liked Noelle. Beauty with brains, Strong and powerful, she was everything that a woman should be. All her life she plots on to destroy Larry Douglas, the man she hates more than anything. I'd have loved her if she had had her vengeance done with Larry. But no, when everything went as planned, she fell for him, again (Ugh, Seriously, girl?). After all this hatred how can someone love a despicable person again and again and again? (Huh, these women!!! Only God knows)
And Girl, Beauty isn't everything!

2. Larry Douglas
He is the perfect example of 'how-a-guy-should-not-be'. Womanizer, stalker, cheat, headstrong, arrogant and what not?
I hated him from the first till the last. However, his first position in my hatred list was took over by Noelle during the end.

3. Catherine
She is the weakest character in the whole book. Yeah, I totally understand that she had been made a pawn and the stakes worth her life, but still she let them made her their pawn. Why would she chose Larry over Bill? Why would she marry Larry in the first place when Bill Fraser had every quality for a man? Yes,Larry was handsome and charming. But that wasn't a factor to fall in love. It's a pity that after all the books that she had read she couldn't differentiate between true love and lust.
Why didn't she used her intelligence for once? We've been told that she was intelligent. What is the use of intelligence when you cannot use it at the time of your need?
Why would she let Larry treat her like a doormat? Why would she nod her head for anything he says? Girl! GET A LIFE!

4. Constantin Demiris
A man who never forgets. All good. He kills if he smells infidelity and betrayal. But he cheats on his wife. Wow man! What a policy!

I read Sidney Sheldon's books only for his writing. His books always made me think men are douchebags. And I have to read some good books to get that out of my mind.
And as usual, I still don't find the title related to the story in any way.

Two words. Worth reading.