A review by javalenciaph
Rock Chick Revolution by Kristen Ashley


[a:Kristen Ashley|2958084|Kristen Ashley|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/authors/1279995377p2/2958084.jpg] is one of those authors who has a strong fan following but whose work I had never had the pleasure of reading. By the time I had come across her name here in Goodreads, I was astounded to see how many books she already had under her belt over the span of just a few years. I had no idea where to begin, but when "Rock Chick Revolution" was finally released last month, I finally decided to take the plunge by reading the entire "Rock Chick" series and did so in eight days. Yup, one book a day, and let me tell you, it was one rockin' series. ^.^

I've been leaving ratings for each of the books as soon as I finish them but haven't gotten around to writing reviews, mainly because these books were what kept me company while I was sick in bed and I couldn't sit up long enough to put together reviews. Hopefully, I'll be able to write individual reviews for the books but I'm starting with the last book and review the series as a whole.

"Rock Chick Revolution" is the eighth and final book in the "Rock Chick" series and tells the tale of Allyson "Ally" Nightingale and Lorenzo "Ren" Zano. While the romance between the two has its hiccups, especially in the flashbacks, they seemed to have this wonderful relationship that was based on trust, openness, and belief in what they had. I think the fact that Ren is neither a member of the "Hot Bunch" or a cop makes this story all the more interesting. Ally's always been the faithful sidekick to Indy and the one bugging the rest of the Rock Chicks to spill on their Hot Bunch men but how she handles her relationship with Ren and her ambition in life shows that she has other layers to her character.

This book brought the whole series full circle and while I did like some of the books slightly better than the others, the "Rock Chick" series has become one of my favorites of all-time. The books have humor, suspense, drama, action, and, most importantly, heart. The characters stay with you, even those who play support in the books (i.e. Tex, Duke, Jane, Daisy, Shirleen, etc.). Yes, there were editing issues but they don't really take away from the stories so I let them slide when it came to my ratings. ^.^

"Rock Chick Revolution" gets five out of five stars and the "Rock Chick" series, as a whole, gets five out of five stars as well (yes, I know my ratings don't average out to that but I want to give it a five...so there). ^.^ I have officially become a Kristen Ashley fan...and that isn't just because the series gets a spin-off in the form of Mace and Stella in LA. ♥