A review by ezichinny
Highland Outlaw by Monica McCarty


In this sequel, the eldest MacGregor is doing his best to keep his outlaw clan together after their lands where stolen from under them. To add insult to injury, their land is added to Elizabeth Campbell's dowry to help make her an attractive bargain to someone willing to be loyal and ally with the crown.

Patrick sees the vulnerable Elizabeth as a way to get his lands back. AFter all, she has had 3 broken engagements and her family keeps adding enticements to make her more attractive to a suitor. So Patrick sets out to do whatever needs to be done to reclaim that which was stolen from him, but what happens when he sees what a great lady his enemy's sister truly is?

I enjoyed this one. Elizabeth looked weak, but she wasn't. She was loyal, trusting but not an easy mark. She made Patrick work and she was worthy of him. This series has a bunch of clans who are interrelated and i hope they find a way to make lasting peace.

I really like this series in a way that I didn't enjoy Highland guard. It is well developed and interesting. I can't wait for book 3.