A review by panics70
Evermore by Sara Holland


3.5 for me. I wasn’t completely enthralled by Everless, but interested enough to finish the series. Time as currency was an intriguing concept. No spoilers, but this book had a lot of fawning over a boy. Do you like the name Liam? Then this is the book for you. This book does have a Snow White vibe and I do enjoy a book that has a twist on a classic tale. Evermore just misses a bit for me, as Everless had so much potential. My 8 year old listened to a bit of this audiobook along with me. The language and subjects are appropriate for YA. It seemed a bit silly to her that a heroine would spend so much time thinking about a boy. The boy doesn’t save the day at the end, and for that it gets rounded up to 4 stars.