A review by rosewelsh
Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again: Women and Desire in the Age of Consent, by Katherine Angel


I read this as part of a "Social Issues" seminar run by a group of statewide librarians. The prompt was to read any two titles on a social issue and I found this book on the shelf of my local library, thinking it was an interesting premise on something I haven't read much about.

The first thing I would say about this title is, as a librarian, it is a tough book to recommend to any patron even if I did really enjoy it and believe it to be an important topic. The issue is this book covers so much regarding women and sexual experience that it is difficult for me to recommend knowing how many of my patrons have likely suffered some type of sexual abuse in their lives. It was a hard book at times even for me, so I can imagine it would be very difficult for other women who have suffered as well.

That being said I really enjoyed the book overall and liked how the author broke it down into sections on consent, arousal, etc. It made it a bit easier to read as even though this book is short, it is very dense. A great amount of research went into this which I appreciated, but after one section I was feeling so heavy I absolutely needed to take a break, so the chapter breaks were much appreciated. The author emphasizes how in our current society, there is no way for women to win when it comes to sexuality. Either we are whores for enjoying sexuality, we are abused when we do not give up sex freely, and we are told by other women often that we have to be confident and own our sexuality or we're letting misogyny win. There's no middle ground for those who just want to feel things out and take their time, and that only puts more pressure on women. It was a thought-provoking quick read and I found myself interested in other things the author had written by the time I finished!

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