A review by wulfwyn
The Witcher Chime by Amity Green


This. Book. O.M.G.

I had never heard of this author before this book came up with BookTasters. When I saw the tweet about it, I immediately clicked it to learn more. I loved it so much I hardly know where to begin. I just want to keep shouting, "Get this book! Now!"

I found this book spellbinding. I did not want to put it down and was so happy I read part of it during the 24 hour readathon. It insured I could read without interruption.

The story and the characters are well written. I loved Savannah. I saw her as strong though she had moments of being weak. She is human and made mistakes. I don't think I could have made better decisions than she did. Oddly, I really felt for Val. The mother is who I ended up mad at. I could understand her decision in the moment but once she got away from the ranch? Nope. I was angry she never helped her daughters, preferring to blame them even when separated from the situation. I don't want to say more, (meaning I really do but I'm scared I'll ruin it). The book kept me guessing for a long time as to what was really going on. Then when I knew it, I was so horrified stopping for a break became impossible. You have no idea, dear review reader, how much I want to talk about the ending! Don't worry. I won't go there. But oh how I want to discuss this book!

I still don't really know this author, but, I know she can tell a story! I looked up to see if she has anymore books and I found one. I hope it is as good as this one is. I enjoyed this book so much that I chose to purchase it after I read the free review copy I had received. I don't do that often. It is reserved for books that I loved enough to want to read again.

For those who want to know. This book deals with a sexual theme some may be offended by. If you want to know what it is before purchase contact me on Goodreads or leave a comment with how I can connect with you. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone else. There is swearing and violence. If any of that offends you, best not to read this. There is Biblical theme also though nothing preachy in my mind. I would not give the book to young teens. Older ones I would want to talk with and do a read together, but that is me. Everyone else, get this! I can't see you being disappointed.