A review by novelesque_life
Daughter of Moloka'i by Alan Brennert


(Review Not on Blog)

What a fabulous follow-up to Moloka'i and Rachel's story. As the title suggests, this novel looks at Ruth's story from her birth. If you enjoyed the first book, you will love this one as it gives us Ruth's point of view and her hardships. We see Ruth's struggles and lonliness in the Home for Girls, to finding her forever family with a Japanese family. She is half Hawaiian and half Japanese and feels like she does not fully fit in anywhere. Brennert lets the reader into Ruth's life and gives her more depth than just Rachel's daughter from book one. The time period in this book also touches on the Japanese interment camps during World War II which is really well done. Brennert gives readers a sense of what every day was like in these camps versus just the general facts. While you could read this book on it's own you will get many spoilers for book 1 and yet not enough to real understand why Ruth was given up. I am so happy I read Moloka'i so recently as I could read this book a few weeks later.