A review by tonydecember
Addiction-Free Naturally: Liberating Yourself from Sugar, Caffeine, Food Addictions, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Prescription Drugs by Brigitte Mars


Interesting read about sugar; not definitive but worthwhile nonetheless.

To paraphrase the author: ‎Sugar is the most prevalent addictive substance in the world and finding foods without sugar is a challenge. By the time most people have their first experience with alcohol, tobacco or drugs, they've been sugar addicts for years. Because sugar is so refined, it passes almost directly into the bloodstream -- just like a drug. Blood sugar soars, then crashes, with the body crying out for more and beginning a vicious cycle.

Without going into the minutiae, sugar is poison, plain and simple. It triggers mood-enhancing neurotransmitters but at the expense of wrecking havoc on your body: your heart, kidneys and liver, insulin (diabetes), mutates cells (cancer) and on and on.

Though this book doesn't say it, many sources claim justifiably that contrary to popular belief it's not FAT that is the enemy we should have been fighting all this time but SUGAR.

Some interesting nutritional and herbal supplements are listed in the book as well.