A review by gypsydawn
The Fae & The Fallen by Brittni Chenelle


3.5 rounded up

I gave this more than a 3 because the world building is pretty fantastic and unique. It’s dystopian, though that is not apparent for some time. Instead, the influx of information pertains to powers, and those that can use them. With an X-men vibe, it navigates around these supernatural abilities, though never really fully explains what they are, how people got them, or how the most powerful BECOME fae. It’s strange, original and a touch confusing. When it becomes clear that this is an “after” world, the rest almost makes sense.... until you get to the characters. Alright, I kinda love the FMC. She’s not exactly tough, nor snarky, but she has a battle spirit that keeps on trucking. Kais, the MMC, on the other hand, is a jerk. Dual POV offers a bit of insight there, while trying to smooth his rough edges.... it didn’t work. He’s a bully, plain and simple - and I can’t believe this smart and fairly straightforward girl can still look at him. Oden is a much better choice.

Upper YA, fantasy, Academy, Cliffhanger.
Character age range = unknown, but they are supposed to be sophomores in HS, despite the fact that their reactions and situations paint them much older.

- Unique setting.
- Is it magic? Is it science? I don’t know, but I like it.
- The allegory between cultural divides, those with powers and those without, is a stark example of our own world.
- Cover

- Kais.
- How The heck old ARE they?? These situations man...
- naive.... so naive
- Explain The powers?