A review by bethelizabethuk
The Collector by Fiona Cummins


This is the 2nd book in the series and I would definitely recommend reading them in order because it picks up pretty much where the 1st book ended. I was expecting this to be more police procedural but the story is more from the killer and victims POVs. We actually see very little of Fitzroy.

Overall the story is creepy and intriguing. Unfortunately, I just didn’t find myself itching to get back to it. It wasn’t really one of those books I’m desperate to read. There is very little character development and the only characters I actually cared about were Jakey and Clara. Although I was intrigued by Saul. It also switches POV a lot without being particularly clear.

I found the apprentice storyline wasn’t particularly believable. Would a serial killer really take on a teenage boy he hasn’t known long to be his heir? Then he expects him to fully welcome the gruesome lifestyle in just a couple of days.

All in all, this isn’t a bad book and I’m not really sure what it was that I didn’t love but it’s not one that’s going to make it to my favourites.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review