A review by sargar114
The Diviners by Libba Bray


Audiobook review:

Such an improvement! Loved the audiobook version of this and will give the rest of the series a go in this format. Still a touch long even in this version, but still also got chills listening to certain passages. Bray paints such a vivid and beautiful portrait with her words; I’m shocked I haven’t seen this as a tv series or movie. Evie is much more tolerable in this format than the way I read her. Still a 4, but a much more solid score for me. Will definitely continue the series in this format


Hard copy Review:

Bray really created quite the world. So much so that it was slow go to start. I considered putting it down and possibly giving the audiobook a try since that seemed to warrant the most praise...then Memphis meets Theta. While it’s a small part of the novel, the chemistry between them is so strong...I WANT MORE! From that point the overall story also took off and it was tough to put down. Exciting, unique, and so quoteable. My biggest issue is I’m not a fan of Evie. The supporting cast in this saves the book, hands down. Looking forward to the rest of the series just to find out what happens to everyone else.