A review by mrsmar10thereader
Verses of Us by Mimi Flood


Many, many heart palpitations later I concluded Alexis and Ciarán's story wrung out, but happy. Mimi took these two through 20 years of I do, but I don't, I want to , but I can't, and you deserve better than me...A very intense emotional, angsty roller coaster.

Alexis meets her favorite rockstar at the age of 18 and Ciarán is 22. Immediately, they recognize this connection that's more than just her being a fan, they see each other in depth. They have a "season" in every phase of Alexis' life and each time Ciarán reappears Alexis is a badass, but she can't deny him no matter how bad it hurt the last time. There's this invisible thread that keeps these two connected no matter the pain, time, distance, or logic. Their chemistry... Whooo! They lit my Kindle up like an inferno.

I loved the nostalgic feel of the story as we went through each decade, the music, and feeling like I could see them change physically and their styles as well. I recommend this read asap. I couldn't stop reading it.